lördag 16 november 2013

Dränkt-drowning mermaid number 01

Hello world
This is the first episode of my new webcomic "Dränkt-drowning mermaid"
Its a dark story about living as a transgender girl in a society that on the surface is political correct, but under the shining polish, there is a darker more sinister view on people who are different, or dont follow the stereotypical gender roles.
I hope to be able to release a new number at least every month and I am currently drawing on the next number, as this has been out in Sweden for about 3 weeks.
The purpose is not to be political, but to tell a story that is dark and interesting enough about transgender people without having to be too internal.
I simply want to tell a good story.
I hope you will enjoy the story and looking forward for more to come :)

Writers notes

Ok..this was the first haunting number of Dränkt. This is the beginning of a downward spiral into hell as out heroine will face everything from the difficulties with government people, the swedish healthcare system aswell as her own inner deamons who she desperately tries to shut down by putting herself into more and more dangerous situations.
I have been experimenting a bit with the art style and colorscheme aswell as the writing in this episode.
I would almost call it a "pilot" as I wasnt really sure where this was going, but I think the last pages nailed the style and colors a bit more than the beginning.
Didnt wanted to make it too sketchy , but still not to vectorized to be unpersonal and looking "massproduced"

Down here you will get a taste of the following number and the downward spiral that comes.
It is getting even darker and grittier, but also more emotional and we will also get to know acouple of other characters a bit better.
Well until next time...

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